Check Your Florida Home For These 7 Signs To See If Need to Repaint

exterior painting needs

When you see your home day to day, it’s easy not to notice the changes as wear and tear degrades the quality of your home’s exterior. If you were to look at your home from five years ago and see it right now, you’d be more likely to notice the fading in colors or suspicious spots you’ve grown so used to seeing that you don’t notice.

But even if you don’t notice, your home still feels the harsh conditions it’s under. While exterior paint is an important part of your home’s aesthetic, it’s also a layer of protection for your home. Homes in Fernandina Beach FL are up against the elements. It is essential you keep your home in the best shape possible.

So how do you know if your home needs a new paint job?

You can always consult trusted professional exterior painters for an opinion. The right exterior painting company will give you honest answers about the condition of your home. You can also take into consideration that most homes need exterior painting on a regular schedule of every five to six years.

With that in mind, it’s still important to regularly examine your house with fresh eyes. What should you look for? These are some telltale signs you need to repaint your Florida home.

1. The Color Is Fading

Florida sunshine can be a danger for your skin and for your home’s exterior. A professional quality paint job can help protect your home as long as possible, but the constant sun exposure will eventually become an issue.

Does the paint look more glossy in some areas than others? This is a more noticeable way to see the way the sun is causing some areas to fade more quickly than others.

When your home has been recently painted, the colors pop. Try to remember that glossy, fresh look in your mind and then take a look at your home. Are the colors dimmer?

A faded out paint job is one of the very first signs your home could use a refresh. It’s also one of the hardest to notice, so look carefully.

2. The Paint is Breaking Away

This may look like bubbling, cracking, chipping, or peeling away from the structure. Don’t ignore this!

When your paint is bubbling off your home, that leaves the building materials exposed to the elements. Without paint on the surface, the materials will be facing the elements. This gives time for mold to grow or rot to set in. When this happens, you’ll have expensive repairs to take care of before you can officially repaint the exterior.

At the first signs of bubbling, peeling, or cracking, take the next step to get your exterior repainted. You can always call in professional exterior painters to help you get the job taken care of fast before it becomes a problem.

3. Damaged Building Materials

Are there cracks in your drywall? Has the wood on your home’s exterior begun to rot? These are unfortunate things that can happen when you own a home. While your exterior paint works to protect the underlying surfaces, these things will happen.

After you have the exterior surfaces of your home repaired, you’ll also need a fresh coat of exterior paint for your home. You’ll want to have this taken care of as quickly as possible to protect your new home repairs from the weather.

In this situation, it can be particularly useful to call in a residential painting contractor. When you have had to do repairs, repainting your exterior can be a bit trickier. You want your paint job to remain consistent. Can you just paint the one area? Does your whole home need repainting anyway? These can be stressful judgments to make. Our team of experts at Halls Quality Painting are happy to help homeowners decide on a plan that’s best for them.

4. Your Home Looks Outdated

While it’s important to think about the protective qualities of exterior home paint, the aesthetics are still important. This is your home. You see it every day. You are allowed to choose a new exterior color for your home at any time you please.

To choose something you’ll like for the next several years, look around your neighborhood. What are the colors in your environment? You’ll want to choose colors that complement your home’s design and the surrounding environment.

5. You’ll Be Selling Your Home Soon

Curb appeal matters! If you are selling your property soon, a quality repainting of the exterior can do a lot to improve your curb appeal. If you talk to your real estate agent, they will likely suggest tips like lighting up your front door and planting flowers to create a visual walkway to your home’s entrance.

These seem like small things. The aesthetic can be changed, so it’s not such a big deal when considering the resale value of your property, right? In truth, buyers will form a first impression when they see your property and that will be hard to overcome. This first impression will often heavily impact the amount they offer on a property.

In this case, repainting the house’s exterior can be a smart financial investment.

6. There’s a Residue

Run a dark towel over your home’s exterior. Is there a chalky residue on the towel?

This strange occurrence happens when your home’s paint has begun to deteriorate. The chemicals in the paint are breaking apart from years of exposure to sunlight and moisture. As the paint’s binder and the pigment separate, your home is exposed.

This chalky residue is a sure sign you need to begin the process of repainting.

7. Stains, Spots, or Other Blemishes

Moisture accumulates and causes problems both inside and outside homes. When you see a spot outside, sometimes you can wipe the spot with a towel and clean away the offending growth. Other times, you can use a pressure washer to take care of the problem.

If you’ve tried these things and a spot won’t go away, you may have a more serious problem on your hands. Mold or mildew may be causing serious issues to your home’s materials. An expert paint contractor will have experience with this kind of thing and be able to give you more information on what’s causing the problem and how to repair the issue and then repaint your home.

Keep Your Home In Its Best Condition

Repainting your home’s exterior can be a big deal for many people. Our team certainly takes it seriously. You’ll be seeing your home every day. You should feel proud of it. Your home should feel like home, a place you feel comfortable and happy when you see it. It should also be safe and protected against the damage weather can do to your building’s structure.

While repainting your home is important, it shouldn’t be stressful. At Halls Quality Painting, we work to make the experience as easy and enjoyable as possible for our clients. We want you to get the aesthetic you want on a time schedule that works for you. We’re happy to use our years of experience to consult on color choices and answer all your questions about the repainting process. You can contact our professional team of residential painting contractors today to get the answers you need to make the right decision for your home.